Wednesday, December 3, 2008

1 pound down 19 to go

Wow, I guess eating ice cream every day really does add the pounds. Combined with not working out...oh well, got to focus on the future, not the past. I'm slowly getting back on track - three trainer rides and two runs in 7 days is pretty good, especially since I didn't run at all in 2008 and only biked 7 times (yup, that's right - I could almost count the rides on one hand). I have to say I was a bit jealous at Gloucester watching the cross races and wished I was racing too - I made so much progress last season only to end up fat and out of shape this season. I'm planning to tele ski this weekend and get back on the bike next week. Yeay! I can already see the pounds melting away :)

Sunday, November 30, 2008

High School Reunion

Wow. It's been 20 years and the high school reunion was really eye opening! It made me realize how lucky I am and how very grateful I should be. It's so easy to take one's life for granted and it's amazing how one night can make one realize how fortunate one is. It was really shocking to see my married classmates hooking up with my other married classmates - soooo weird and so horrifying that it has prompted me to blog. Cathy, get ready, I'm back on the blogging track :) It was really sad to see actually and made me realize how lucky I am that (a) I'm super smart and have an amazing job and (b) I never married a loser guy and instead met a super amazing guy that totally loves me and would do anything for me (except cheat of course!!) and (c) never got sucked into loserville like some of my fellow classmates. All that being said, it was so much fun to see the normal people that I haven't seen in years - there were some really great people in my class and it was nice to see them again. The after party was eyeopening to say the least however.

In addition, after biking, oh a total of 7 times in 2008 - yes that's right - 7 times - I've recommitted to 2009 racing and after getting on the trainer 3 times this week will be back in full force in 2009. The puppies sidelined me this year, but with the help of my Colorado friends I will be racing in '09 - and probably for NEBC if they'll have me. Count me in for April and May in New England!! If I actually train this winter as I hope to, I'm planning to hang on strong for the hills! The cigarette tonight probably wasn't a good idea, but it solidified my resolve to get my fat ass back into shape and pull it together for next year somehow. It would be great to race Fitchburg again and actually hang with the pack this time. We'll see - that may be a bit too ambitious for me with my bi-coastal living arrangement.

So long for now. And a thank you to my parents for raising me the right way!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Work, Work, Work

Seems like all I've been doing lately is working! I need some time off to calculate my training time for 2007 (which was far below 2006) and to start getting back into shape! I haven't had any time (or I guess haven't prioritized time) to run, swim or bike the past two months - very disappointing. But I'm getting back on track and am adding more skate skiing and teleing to the mix - I haven't been getting out on the snow that much either!

Went on a two day trip to the Polar Star Inn near Vail - lots of hiking/skinning and a tiny bit of powdery back country teleing. It was worth it - kind of. Here's a pic of our group sans C.D. who had to leave early.

We also had a fabulous day at A-Basin skiing the newly opened Montezuma Bowl - lovely!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Cross Results

Found a cool cross results site:

If only I can mush myself into the top 25% next year. If only.

Pondering the next mogul

Another shot from day one of teleing - pondering the next mogul - if only I had the coordination, skill and muscles of Kyle Kershner to just fly through the moguls, light as a feather, like water running through creek stones. Soon. Soon. By April that will be me :)

First Day of Skiing

Here's a shot from my first day of tele skiing this year at Keystone. It was an amazing day - lots of powder and too little muscle. Looking forward to many more days like this!

Monday, December 10, 2007

The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe

I feel like I just walked through the secret wardrobe door into winter. I landed in Denver on Tues night and was greeted with a winter wonderland upon arriving in Summit County. Since then it has snowed, snowed and snowed. Literally - every day, all day from Weds through Sunday. Today is the first clear day with blue skies and mounds of powdery snow. Tele'ing has been great - but my back is now killing me so it's time for some R&R and some M&A deals, three to be exact. When it rains it pours - I am now officially swamped with work - which is a good thing, especially since I can do it all from my yummy home office facing the snowy forrest.